1. Out in public and deciding to call it a day, try to download bus timetables.
2. Notice your normally smooth internet connection isn't working. Realise your phone is trying to connect to the "FREE PUBLIC WI-FI".
3. Think why the hell not? if I can get a free connection for a few minutes I might as well. Go to sign in.
4. Page takes 90 seconds to load.
5. "Do you accept the terms and conditions?" YES.
6. New page takes 90 seconds to load. "Would you like to sign up to our mailing list for exclusive offers and competitions?" NO.
7. "Please wait, you are now being redirected". Wait a further three minutes.
8. Corporate home page finally opens. Close it. Return to trying to look up bus times.
9. Bus timetable won't download because free public WiFi is slow and buggy as crap. Turn off WiFi, get bus times by 3G.
10. Realise you missed bus trying to use the public WiFi. You have a 40 minute wait for the next bus. You can't attempt to kill time using the WiFi as you've already logged in once today.
Thanks for using our free public WiFi!
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