Once and for all, proof Piers Akerman is Insane

31 January 2010 0 Comments

"[I]n the lead-up to this week’s parliamentary session, the Labor Government, led by Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard, has chosen to focus on the sex lives of teenage girls.

The new Opposition leader Tony Abbott has a smorgasbord of issues with which to confront the Rudd Government, which is a master of spin and obfuscation. Like a good editor, Abbott and his team must cut through the verbiage.

It is important he does not get distracted by the frippery with which elements of the media are obsessed, but concentrates on the matters that are important to Australians."

Yes, he actually said this, whilst slamming Kevin Rudd for not mentioning climate change lately (proof Rudd knows he defeated, according to Akerman).

At least Ann Coulter is mildly amusing from rare time to time.
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