What's Wrong With Rudd

11 June 2008 4 Comments

"Put not your trust in kings and princes. Three of a kind will take them both."

Piers Akerman says that Kevin Rudd is a failure as a Prime Minister, evidenced by the fact that the Kevin 07 crowd has disappeared. This overlooks the reason why we've dissipated: because Rudd has turned out to be so much like Akerman's hero, John Howard.

Maybe it would help if Rudd were actually in the country more often. No doubt he'd argue that he's furthering Australia's interests overseas, but isn't that what we have a Foreign Minister for? Even if Stephen Smith has to stay in and wash his hair, surely we could accomplish the same with a few trade delegations.

Because there's a lot for Rudd to be getting on with back home. They have done good things - signing the Kyoto protocol, apologising to the Stolen Generations, and getting the Australian troops out of Iraq.

But whilst these have been commendable, they're also laregly tokenistic (espeically since the apology was structured to preclude compensation). The Howard legacy has left gaping holes in the social fabric of this country and it's hard to see what the Ruddites are doing to fix it, except for denying us the drink we all so desperatley need.

We want a government that will attempt to change public opinion, not merely respond to it. The Rudd government's lack of fortitude on petrol prices and the global warming issue has been disheartening. Wouldn't it be a nice change to hear a Minister say, "look, high petrol prices are a pain, but we do all need to drive less?". If only they had the courage.

The group most entitled to feel let down though is old age pensioners. It's hard to witness their disappointment as they speak of their excitement that maybe they'd get a better deal out of Rudd, and having those hopes dashed.

Am I wrong or right? Are these opinions fair, or is it to soon to judge? I throw this open to debate, ever the tool of the lazy blogger not sure how best to finish a post.


  1. Xander and Nico. As you say in your title, you are a leftie. Nuff said, really.

    But let's not stop there! Rudd is as far away from Howard as one can possibly be. And if you think that Kyoto, Sorry and sundry other commissions, committees, inquiries and summits are the keys to good governance then I fear you will never make sense of the world, let alone living in Sydney.

    Are you right or wrong? Neither. You are deluded.

    Left wing politics is far and away the biggest cause of grief in societies everywhere. Left wing politics destroys reason, creates economic havoc. And it seems you're just another one of the smug, self-righteous left that justifies any opinion by saying, "I care deeply". Otherwise you would see through Kyoto and Sorry and whatever other crap Rudd spews forth.

    It's not enough to say you 'care deeply'. Rudd is clearly deluded, just as you are for thinking that his symbolism is 'good'. It's not good. it's just symbolism that achieves NOTHING. Your man Rudd is all about style over substance, theory over practice, and ego over statesmanship.

    Have a nice day.

  2. I fear you will never make sense of the world, let alone living in Sydney.

    Well, I seem to be doing okay so far; I've my own flat in a lovely area and an excellent job in a big city advertising agency...I do get confused by the trains though.

    Are you right or wrong? Neither. You are deluded.

    So I'm deluded...but not wrong?

    the smug, self-righteous left that justifies any opinion by saying, "I care deeply".

    I never said I cared deeply, or much at all. I just side with the lefties because rightists are insane. Seriously, it's just good sense, to all those who haven't rotten their brain with fine malt whiskey or Jesus (take your pick).

    Your man Rudd is all about style over substance, theory over practice, and ego over statesmanship.

    This was largely the point of my post.

    You have a nice day too, and thank you for reading.

  3. Does fine malt whisky rot one's brain any differently to cheap vodka?

  4. ...maybe you could compare it to the brain rotting properties of whatever is keeping you up reading crappy blogs at 3am on Saturday, hmn?


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