2008 - Hot Or Not?

10 January 2008 0 Comments

It's hard to tell from here how the year may shape up. Let's look at the evidence...

  • The year has kicked off with Sydney's Biggest News Ever - or at least according to the celebrity commentator who appeared on Today Tonight to discuss the happy event (I should have added "no more trashy current affairs shows" to my New Year's resolutions. Where do they find these people?).

  • Of course, we do have a spanking new Prime Minister and Government. Rudd seems to be walking on water at the moment (which must make it very convenient for him to get from Kirribilli to the City), but of course the real test comes when Parliament resumes - long after the rest of us have gone back to work.

  • If you're the kind of person who feels older when you notice how young everyone else is, then licensed venues are not the place for you right now. In Australia at least, there are now people born in the 1990's, who are legally adults. It's best not to think about it.

  • Speaking of New Year's resolutions, my main one was to quit smoking. I won't bore you with the details of my heroic struggle, but now that I'm counting the days in double digits, I'm starting to think I might actually make it. Now I can look forward to carrying on like an obnoxious non-smoker - acting like I'll get lung cancer if I pass someone smoking in the street, demanding that smoking be banned absolutely everywhere I might ever go (whilst ignoring the health of children whose parents smoke in cars), being the only kind of person who the anti-smoking TV ads affect (through a smug feeling of satisfaction, as they have no effect on smokers whatsoever - it sure wasn't the ads on TV that made me quit)...

    Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, I've borrowed the "This Day In History" posting idea from Club Troppo. Doing my own version has made me realise just how much I wish I'd focused on topical issues instead of crapping on about myself...

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