Have Rumours Of The Death Of Blogging Been Exaggerated?

09 May 2006 4 Comments

Well, it seems like every cultural commentator worth their BlackBerry these days is claiming that blogging is dead or dying. Not the act of blogging itself - there are, after all, more blogs out there than ever - but blogging as a social phenomenon. Yesterday in Crikey, one of the contirbutors wrote this missive, comparing the current blogging situation to that of CB radio in the late 1970s:

"A year after he got [the CB radio], we would tune in and roam the frequencies. Airy nothingness. I was reminded of this recently while trawling the blogosphere – which is increasingly taken up with blogs that appear to be dead, dying from neglect or stillborn, with one or two initial entries, now years old.

It's eerie and suggests to me that we are entering the next stage of the online revolution, in which the mass expansion of blogs will begin to contract – especially those which are publishing out towards a putative audience, rather than simply being an online diary.

As with CBs, what thrilled people with blogs was "the ecstasy of communication", the pure fact of being out there in the wide cyberworld – in other words, the form rather than the content. What stales the experience is what some have thought was its greatest attraction – its networked capacity, which makes everyone producer and consumer, and hence collapses the notion of an audience (since time does not expand, while blog numbers do).

What most realise is that blogging is the illusion of connection, publishing into a void and thus doubly isolating. Those blogs that survive will and are evolv(ing) into multi-person sites, some with collective and decentred ways of uploading, others with hierarchies essentially identical to paper editing.

This repeats the birth of newspapers out of the "pamphlet wars" of the 17th century – the latter a product of the creation of a cheap, single operator platen press. This may be the necessary stage of development required to create a media sphere which genuinely overturns the mass media model – one in which a range of well-edited moderate circulation outlets can charge and get subscriptions. Whether they could turn into full newsgathering organisations remains to be seen.

However, I think the era of commentary done by interlaced single blogs may come to be seen as being as much part of an era as a time when talking to a load of frozen fish barrelling down the Hume seemed like a really neat thing to do. "

Well, that's his opinion. I hope he's wrong, but I rather fear not. I've been blogging since January 2004, and I've noticed the change in the blogsphere since then. Once reading the personal blogs of people you'd never even met was exciting, like reading real-life soap opera; and alot of the people who ran these blogs were almost famous. But now everyone has their own personal blog, usually only read by their own friends and family (and I must be some strange exception to this. Most of my readers are people I don't know, and almost none of my close friends read it). Anyway, it may be the case that blogging is not so much dead, as it has moved to become so mainstream it doesn't mean anything anymore.

This place has changed, after all. In my early blogging days, I often posted several times a day, and it was nearly all personal stuff (it was the novelty of the whole thing, plus, and I must be honest, I was in love with the sound of my own "voice"). Now I usually just post a couple of times a week, and it's often not personal at all. I think it's fair to say the Pod is lacking direction...

But now I'll shut up, and throw open the floor (I hope no one falls through). Is blogging dead, meaningless, or just changing direction? Have traffic exchanges like
Blog Mad changed the face of blogging - for better or for worse? Will the future of blogs lie in the themed blogs, or the original personal ones? Is there actually a place for everyone?

Your opinions, please.


  1. blogging always has and always will be one of two things.

    1) One persons journal or diary. Which, for some reason or another, they feel the urge to share with people they have never met.


    2) An excuse for people to add something to the internet... be it of some value or not... by way of not paying for their own domain.

    Three years ago, the number of domains equalled the number of people on earth. While the population has grown since, blogspot.com is ONE domain. it would contain god knows how many thousands of individual pages.

    The future of archiology lies in the re-building of hard-drives.

  2. Blogging has probably been dead for about a year or so. I've been blogging(although not on blogspot) since 2003 and I stopped when the drama got to be too much and myspace became more appealing. Since I deleted my myspace I just began blogging again due to extreme boredom, but it certainly doesn't have as much entertainment value as it use to.
    I'm just waiting to discover the next internet phenomena, but it certainly wont be in the blogosphere

  3. Rex - I wonder whether you might not have slightly missed my point?

    Rebelgirl - I think you're right. Can I add you to my links list? I loved your post on the death of emo, though I must admit I was never sure what emo was in the first place, being a child of the grunge era.

  4. The novelty is over, bogging is hard work (and feels doubly so if hardly anyone bothers to read what you write, which is the case for 99% of blogs), and the vast majority of what's written is the same trivial nonsense that few care to read anymore... so yes, the golden age of blogging is long since over.



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