always: want a nap.
never: trust John Howard.
would like: dinner
commit this Deadly Sin more often than the other six: gluttony. I've got really expensive taste in food.
have had how many boyfriends: two serious boyfriends (I was just joking about the others)
think: music now sucks, compared to the Ninties
did this for the very first time recently: found out I'm going to be on TV
want: A federal Labor government
try: to listen when other people are talking instead of prattling on about myself
feel: sore, but I've got my stitches in my scalp.
look: like I've abandoned all pretence to vanity.
might: buy socks tomorrow.
spend: hours staring out the window.
am afraid of: birds and heights.
like: sour fruit roll-ups
drive: into bridges.
hate: bigots.
propose: that it is to the benefit of the entire human race that I do not reproduce.
blog: not as often as I'd like.
love: Xander. That cat is my life
miss: the Nineties
prefer: drunk to sober
have ___ tattoos: Two. And another one very soon.
am going to: go get pizza with my mother, eat it, then go home and watch the intruders on Big Brother
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